Rogue: Art of a Garden featured in the Age

Megan Backhouse's gardening column in The Age featured Rogue: Art of a Garden and an interview with author Rick Eckersley on 10 July 2020.

The feature weaves the story of the author's intention in creating Musk Cottage with the intention of creating a book, reflecting that both are ‘impeccably thought-out’ as well as ‘irresistibly spontaneous and highly manipulated’.

Rogue: Art of a Garden ... emphasises what Eckersley calls “the sensory”. Rather than go into detailed explanations, the book serves to evoke a mood. It includes not just images of the Musk Cottage garden and the plants it contained but works by a string of artists inspired by the place.

It also serves as rallying cry to appreciate “the fragility and beauty of native plants and wildlife” in this time of climate change and other forms of “environmental vandalism”.

– Megan Backhouse

Read the full feature Remembering Musk, a gardener's sanctuary.